Episode description:
In this episode of Law, disrupted, host John B. Quinn joins Joe Hage, a litigator and founder of HENI, an international art and technology services business based out of London. They are also joined by Luke Nikas, a partner at Quinn Emanuel’s New York office who also heads up the firm’s art litigation practice.
The three unpack what a non-fungible token (NFT) is, and how traditional intellectual property principles apply to them. Referencing the legal battle between Hermes and the creator of “MetaBirkin” NFTs, they discuss issues relating to intellectual property infringement, and the sorts of questions they raise for brand owners, artists, and businesses.
They then move on to discuss the potential regulatory, securities law and transparency issues that come with digital ownership, as well as the breadth of opportunity for creators to monetize NFTs beyond digital art and legal implications of those opportunities.
Published: Mar 2 2022